
brownie batter...

is delish.

this past weekend was zombie walk here in san antonio. we didn't go, but it's a pretty big deal i guess. people get really into it. 

instead of going to zombiewalk, we decided to paint a picture! we've done this once before, however, this one turned out markedly better than the last one i think. 

here's the final result hanging in our living room:

here's just the painting:
and two of the process:

we decided to go for a big canvas because they were on sale at joanns. it is nearly three feet by four feet, which doesn't sound or look at that big at the store, but take it from us-it's big. like 7-hours-to-finish big.


san antonio, you're killing me

with your silly 60 degree weather. you are colder than michigan. it dropped 30 degrees in one night, so suffice it to say-we were unprepared for this weather.

today, we have officially been in texas for one calendar month. time has flown! 
steve has been basically to the texas-mexico border for work. he even had to go through border patrol and police dogs had to sniff his car. the city is called brackettville and by the sounds of it, it is pretty bleak.

in other news, we have yet to see an armadillo. which is too bad, although we heard they are carriers for leprosy so i guess maybe it's a good thing that we haven't come across one. turns out they're basically blind too.
also, my sister is coming in just one week and three days. and i can't wait. i anticipate lots of shopping and eating of mexican foods. so it should be a good time. now, don't be fooled by the exterior decoration of this san antonio hotspot. yes, i know there is a pair of twenty-five foot high cowboy boots, but it's actually kind of cool and i am excited to take my sister there so she can witness this hilarious aspect of my new san antonio life. 

we'll leave you with one last picture-steve sold his first account a couple weeks ago. his boss documented it, haha!


beginning of week three.

well, we are just starting our third week in san antonio. i am getting more and more used to the area and am really starting to enjoy it. 

this past weekend, we went to a huge pottery barn outlet. it was awesome. i am pretty sure you could walk around there all day and keep finding things that you want. i have never seen a shop with so many home goods before. 

on labor day, we headed up to a river in new braunfels, which is a city about half an hour away from us. you take an intertube with you and float down the river. there was like a thousand people there and it was innnsane. it took us the whole afternoon to float all the way down. it's like those lazy rivers at water parks except it's way longer and real, not a ride. 

after hanging out on the river, we went to a real texas bbq restaurant! it was called rudy's and they had ribs and brisket and things like that. the creamed corn was amazing. when we lived in michigan, i always thought bbq meant bbq sauce, but not anymore. they give you your food in a delivery crate which is not really my style, but i guess it was good in a different sort of way. also, you order by the pound, which is hilarious to me. for example, i said to the man: "i will have a half pound of the brisket, please." i never really thought i would ever say i will have a half pound of brisket but i did. hah.

more funny things about living in san antonio:
the speed limit on the highways is five mph less at night. for example, I-35 is 70 during the day, and 65 at night.
there are as many (if not more) radio stations in spanish as there are in english.
people gain like forty pounds when they move here because the food is delicious, big, and all carbs.
feta cheese is practically non-existent at the grocery stores, much to my dismay.


big news in texas.

just one scant hour from our home in san antonio, the chupacabra was found! i didn't really know what the chupacabra was, but apparently it's sort of like big foot, but more like a scary dog or something. turns out, finding the chupacabra is big news. this video was featured on the main page of yahoo, haha.

i can't figure out how to make a link so here is the address.

more pictures.

steve said i didn't post enough pictures of our apartment. so here are some more that he felt very strongly about. hah.

settling into san antonio

hello friends :) 
we are finally pretty much settled into our apartment! and we love it. it's nice to have a space of our own. 

it's pretty nice here so far. we haven't really explored that much-although they have awesome malls here. they blow the malls in michigan out of the water. we're happy that josh and carlyn live here too. it'll be nice to have friends that know us well AND who live close to us. we visited a pretty cool church this past sunday. it's a lot of young couples (which means tons of babies, which i like) and it's more diverse than i thought it would be. i'm excited to visit it again to hear more sermons and get a feel for what it will be like on a week to week basis, but so far we are glad that we found at least one church that is a contender. 
we miss michigan. a lot. it's super fun here, but really different. when people say that texas is a whole other ball game, let me tell you, they are right. 

funny things about san antonio:
a lot of shops have "now hiring" signs. we haven't seen that in michigan in a looong time.
food here is huge. and cheap. the burritos make chipotle's look like kid's meals. 
there are palm trees and cacti. i feel like we're on vacation.
it cools off at night to maybe the mid-eighties. which is not actually that cool, but it feels cool after almost hundred degree days.
steve has to carry tools around with him in his car. hahahaha. 

here are some pictures of our apartment (and one of steve's car, haha). we still have some more decorating and setting up to do but we're pretty satisfied with how it looks for now.