
settling into san antonio

hello friends :) 
we are finally pretty much settled into our apartment! and we love it. it's nice to have a space of our own. 

it's pretty nice here so far. we haven't really explored that much-although they have awesome malls here. they blow the malls in michigan out of the water. we're happy that josh and carlyn live here too. it'll be nice to have friends that know us well AND who live close to us. we visited a pretty cool church this past sunday. it's a lot of young couples (which means tons of babies, which i like) and it's more diverse than i thought it would be. i'm excited to visit it again to hear more sermons and get a feel for what it will be like on a week to week basis, but so far we are glad that we found at least one church that is a contender. 
we miss michigan. a lot. it's super fun here, but really different. when people say that texas is a whole other ball game, let me tell you, they are right. 

funny things about san antonio:
a lot of shops have "now hiring" signs. we haven't seen that in michigan in a looong time.
food here is huge. and cheap. the burritos make chipotle's look like kid's meals. 
there are palm trees and cacti. i feel like we're on vacation.
it cools off at night to maybe the mid-eighties. which is not actually that cool, but it feels cool after almost hundred degree days.
steve has to carry tools around with him in his car. hahahaha. 

here are some pictures of our apartment (and one of steve's car, haha). we still have some more decorating and setting up to do but we're pretty satisfied with how it looks for now.


  1. Like how you moved your bedroom furniture. Sofa looks great. Love you blog. Mumsie

  2. hey guys! nice blog. it's so nice to have a place to stay updated and see pics. love the decor! miss you.

  3. well I am commenting on your blog now. I have been trying for two hours to figure out how to make my picture show up by my name so I don't look like a creeper follower of your blog but whatevs. I think it is funny that steve drives an SUV and even better that he carries the stuff in it. Miss you guys

  4. Hello from your high-tech Mom and her loyal side-kick Buster. Can't believe it's been 5 months since we popped in for a visit. All is well here though still chilly.
