
san antonio, you're killing me

with your silly 60 degree weather. you are colder than michigan. it dropped 30 degrees in one night, so suffice it to say-we were unprepared for this weather.

today, we have officially been in texas for one calendar month. time has flown! 
steve has been basically to the texas-mexico border for work. he even had to go through border patrol and police dogs had to sniff his car. the city is called brackettville and by the sounds of it, it is pretty bleak.

in other news, we have yet to see an armadillo. which is too bad, although we heard they are carriers for leprosy so i guess maybe it's a good thing that we haven't come across one. turns out they're basically blind too.
also, my sister is coming in just one week and three days. and i can't wait. i anticipate lots of shopping and eating of mexican foods. so it should be a good time. now, don't be fooled by the exterior decoration of this san antonio hotspot. yes, i know there is a pair of twenty-five foot high cowboy boots, but it's actually kind of cool and i am excited to take my sister there so she can witness this hilarious aspect of my new san antonio life. 

we'll leave you with one last picture-steve sold his first account a couple weeks ago. his boss documented it, haha!


  1. So please don't get leprosy... that would be really sad. What the heck is up with the Armadillos carrying that? PS mere tells me you sell to a jail, what the heck do you sell to them?
